Saturday 12 May, 2007

From Alumni

From: Mark Cazalet, Faculty of Fine Arts Alumni .

I am dismayed to hear of this extremely serious development at theFaculty.Is there anything I can do to help? Perhaps the validation of externalartists might cause local politicians to reflect on the status,influence and significance of the MSU FA dept. As you know I will bepermanently indebted to my eighteen months at Baroda, a life longcatalyst for my work, and vision of the great country and culturalpluralism that India contains. It sounds as though an entirely selfmade tragedy is underway whose end will be a regressive reduction from all that is vibrant and vital about MSU's work.

all best Mark


Screen Sifar said...
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Screen Sifar said...


shubhalakshmi shukla said...

Collectively shared experiences help to construct MEANING, both at academic-cultural as well as primary political level.'MEANING as VALUE' has been a contested space in history, and democracy CAN provide space for further debate on these.

Those who live in INSULATION, like neeraj jain can only bring about a fascist act,insulting not just democracy but the whole VISION developed on HINDU ICONOGRAPHY (where the KNOWLEDGE-SYSTEMS have got inetegrated with with CULTURE and POWER). What could be the WORLD-VIEW of an individual who
supports his leadership? This is clearly a political stunt, and in no way a genuine visit to the annual display at the faculty campus.

However,those within genuine search know that there is a whole SUBVERSIVE expression/history of not-so-well- recorded gods and goddesses as well, addressed by Kancha Illiah. I wonder how important is the context of these icons are for us?

I strongly support the protest moves for chandramohan as well as faculty-committee for shivaji panikkar.

shubhalakshmi shukla